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2022 Office Resolutions: Put People First in the Workplace

The turn of a new year always brings resolutions and transitions. People pledge to eat better, exercise more, reduce stress and look for new opportunities. Hopes are high in blazing new trails to personal and professional success.

But 2022 is ringing in a new wave of change — one that looks way beyond “me.” Covid has taught the world a valuable lesson in empathy, gratitude, integrity and grace. Following nearly two years of isolation and uncertainty, organizations are unequivocally putting people first. When it comes to work, employee wellbeing (mental and physical), engagement and satisfaction are top priorities.

Four Trends for Office Space

Along with Covid came the War for Talent and the Great Resignation. Last year companies across all industries fought to retain and attract high-quality professionals. In a red-hot job market, this is expected to continue well into 2022. Company culture will become a hallmark in talent acquisition strategies. Culture embodies the attitudes, believes and behaviors of a company and its employees. It includes your mission, vision and core values. While many senior leaders envision this on paper, in PowerPoints and verbalized in meetings, it’s much more. Oftentimes, physical space is your first impression and a vital part of your culture.

2022 is the year to make your office a destination where employees are excited to return to or join your company.

Here are Four Opportunities to Put People First:

Resimercial Design. As businesses reopen their offices, they’re trying to recreate an essence of home in the workplace. “Resimercial” is an exciting design trend that blends the best of residential and commercial. It advocates comfort and productivity, while boosting creativity and camaraderie. Think bold colors and comfortable patterns and textures combined with workstations, high-tech equipment and conference areas.

Space to Give Thanks. People love to commune around food. Cafeterias and cafes create space where people want to gather, reconnect and share meals. Nurture time and space beyond desks and chance encounters in the hallway or elevators.

Outdoor Space. “Connecting with nature and the natural environment increases wellness and productivity,” says Casco CEO Cheryl Osborn. “In commercial office space, it promotes a holistic approach to company culture and can be an incentive that sets your business apart, especially when acquiring top talent in the competitive 2022 landscape.” Invest in rooftops, balconies, patios and windows that allow for safe fresh air access.

EV Charging Stations. The future is electric. Installing EV charging stations demonstrates leadership in adopting advanced technologies, social responsibility and millennial support. In addition to improving greenhouse gases, lowering maintenance costs and meeting fast-approaching federal regulatory requirements, EV stations show how you care about the interest and trends of your workforce.

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